Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A New Year, A New Me

Public Apology:

First of all I would like to apologize to all my readers that I have not posted anything in over a month. Hopefully if I get more feedback and traffic I would be able to post more content on here. Also I haven't been able to post anything because of some Technical Difficulties with not having a reliable source of internet for example a computer to use in the past month. I know I should make time to let people know what is going on in my life. Please feel free to email me what you think I should do different with my blog I love hearing feedback and criticism "positive or negative" I love hearing it.

Plans, goals and what I want to Accomplish in 2008:

So my theory 2008 will be great yes I know that probably sounded very corny and what can I say I lived in Iowa and there is corn everywhere. ;-) Well I would like to be in at least 4 DVD's this year, have a couple magazine spreads, at least be nominated for an award at some major award ceremony. It would be nice but that would be a dream of mine. But the biggest dream I have would to work with Channel 1 Releasing or Randy Blue Possibly even Jet Set but I know this is going to take a lot of dedication. My biggest goal is for me to purchase the Domain and get my website up and operational before my 26th birthday which is on July 4th. So those are some plans and goals I have.

Decisions, Decisions, and oh yeah more Decisions

So I have been thinking a lot lately on what I want to do with the persona Chase Evans that I created. Yes I have had some good times in the industry, some bad times, roads were smooth and roads have definitely been rocky, I have probably caused more drama than I should in my private life but that isn't Chase Evans. I am only Chase Evans on screen, at special events, and while I am dancing . So back to my thinking , After doing 2 films, working with several websites, I have decided to take to take a short 3 to 6 month sabbatical and focus on getting my life back on track, because this train was heading at the same speed as a Fighter Jet getting Launched off of a aircraft carrier. I love the industry but this is not retirement, not even close and you will not see the last of me. Some of the tings I would like to accomplish while I am on this sabbatical are.
  • Focus on my image that I have started to mold. I currently have hair like Zac Efron I am going to put some blonde highlights in it.
  • I am currently at 168lbs I want to get down to 160lbs so I am going to hire a personal trainer to help me achieve that. So the next time you see me I will have a six pack, a bigger chest, a firmer ass and more define legs. So basically I am looking to have more muscle tone. And also have a tan.
  • Become more financially stable and have job security. I will continue to dance while I am on this sabbatical.
  • Become more health conscious, go organic, quit my smoking habbit which I have been addicted since I was 12, and do some med spa treatment.

So yes I am taking a sabbatical for personal gain, I will let everyone know how it is progressing.

Well until next time

Much Luv


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